Source: Dissection >> Krakoan Pod >>

Scan::Memory Drive

Translator: Forge

NOTE: In the thousand years that predated the Phalanx ascension, "Omega Wolverine" witnessed or heard about countless deaths among his mutant brethren. These were recorded as the X Deaths that came to pass in the dire future Omega Wolverine hails from. If we fail, they may yet come to pass.

Marvel Girl had to be among the first to die. To kill her was to deactivate a nuclear warhead. This didn't require an army. Poison worked fine. Gorgeous George was promised imprisonment over death. He was provided with a metal headband that would cloak his thoughts when he slipped the tonic into her drink at the Green Lagoon. By the time her body was discovered the next day, black-veined and choked with vomit, the Hatchery had already burned.

Nightcrawler survived by teleporting so often he felt he existed no place at all. But over the years, his eyes thickened with cataracts, his vision steadily failed and he saw the world as if through an iced-over window. When he lost touch with his vision, his sense of direction and place slowly abandoned him. He was lost in the world. When the Sentinels came for him a final time, he retreated into prayer. His last escape was getting lost in the familiar rhythms of the Apostles' Creed.

Magneto fought viciously and constantly, destroying platoons of Sentinels with a sweep of his arm, until he was assaulted by a techno-organic force that came to him as a cloud of nanites that seeded in his lungs and spread through his veins and consumed him from the inside out.

When the network of cradles was breached by a virus, Professor Charles Xavier collapsed. The CEREBRO helmet was no longer an amplifier, but a prison, locking down his mind. Moira insisted on being the one to finish him. She held him for a long time, humming a Scottish folk song about the bonnie banks of Loch Lomond and the lovers who have made many happy visits there until they find themselves separated and saddened by the empty body of water between them. She pressed her lips against his even as she fit a knife between the slats of his rib cage and found his heart. His body was displayed on a pike until it rotted to bones.

See also: