... virtually untraceable until the final device is constructed, made of available and legal technology, "Overclock" is one of the names given to a "virtual narcotic," a black market device that hacks into the central nervous system and creates what users describe as euphoria.

"It's an easy thing, you know. Doesn't feel the same like buying pills or heroin. It's a machine so, you know, I don't worry about overdosing or anything like that. It's different."
-'Mark." a user from Dublin (22 years old)

While recent EU regulation has rendered the completed Overclock device illegal, due to the legal status of all the components and the relative simple "Clockwork Operations" that can assemble these devices, enforcing the regulations has proven to be difficult for law enforcement across Europe. Overclock has recently spread into North and South America, with the first reports of the device appearing three years ago in Southeast Asia.

"It's an ingenious combination of neural interface technology and energy-efficient construction. If these were unique, factory-pro­duced devices, the design would be more than impressive, but for someone to recombine existing technology to manufacture this level of neurophysiological bond is stupefying. Whomever created this is a genius wasting their mind on mental poison."
-Dr. Anjana Chaudhuri, member of The International Association of Neurotechnology
