A species intelligence (SI) of 1 is representative of the thinking power or a single mature being possessing average intellectual abilities.*

*While there are wild fluctuations between species at the Machine state (take for example the disparity between intellectual prowess of a base Kree and Skrull), once the SI reach the Intelligence level, most variations even out.


SI: 1

A single machine mind that is a direct copy of an existing sentient mind or represents the equivalent thinking power of a sIngle sentient mind or a species.


SI: 10

A collective of indivIdual MACHINES with the united thinking power or up to ten machines. While there are Hives composed or more than ten Machines, regardless of which species they are based on, ones with more than ten Machines working as a collective begin to fracture and deteriorate as the repressed individuality of each Machine overwhelms the Hive.

(Notes unlike intelligences, Hives are mature individual intellects working together that were not created to naturally reach an SI beyond their Machine state.)


SI: 100-10.000

An Intelligence is a thinking machine created to be an amalgam of at least 100 Machines acting in harmony toward collective goal.

(NOTE: The Supremor (the Kree Supreme Intelligence) is an amalgam of direct copies of Kree philosophers and thinkers that were merged into a single intellect. While basing an Intelligence on pre-existing beings is a common occurrence at this level of society, It becomes less common the further up the Galactic Scale.)



SI: 10,000

An artificial collective Intelligence (manufactured by a Phalanx) that was created to classify, order and assimilate other existing societies. This removal/repurposing of societies is a Technarch's sole purpose.

A Technarch exists as a singular node (often taking the shape of a world, but can be any series of planetary objects or formations) called a Kvch. Each Kvch is controlled by an alpha intelligence called a Magus.

Each Technarch believes it is the only Technarch in existence. Technarch are invisible to other Technarch.


SI: 100,000

A Worldmind is a celestial object (commonly a planet) that has been wholly converted into a singular intellect.

These intellects possess a godlike intelligence and act on a timeline of millennia. On the Kardashev scale, a Worldmind represents a Type II civilization.


SI: 1,000,000

A Phalanx is an interstellar society that operates on a galactic scale and represents an intellect that has total control of a host galaxy.

At this level of society, an intellect exists only to expand its own intelligence by consuming lesser societies, and to control the energy needs that expansion demands.

If a Phalanx encounters a society that is worth consuming by adding to its intelligence needs, then Ascension occurs. If a Phalanx encounters a society that is not worth adding to its collective, then it will seed that society with a "Techno-Organic virus." This virus will eventually produce a Babel Spire that will summon a Technarch to remove/repurpose that societal waste from the universe.

(NOTE: Technarchs do not know that they were manufactured to serve the Phalanx cause.)

On the Kardashev scale, a Phalanx represents a Type III civilization.



SI: 10,000,000

A Titan is an interstellar society that has become so advanced that the density of its unified intelligence has collapsed space-time into a singularity.

All universal societies exist in partially atemporal space, but unlike Strongholds or Dominions, Titans are a singular, hermetic intellect. Isolationist and not a collective or group.

Like all universal societies, on the Kardashev scale, a Titan represents a Type O civilization.


SI: 10,000,000

A Stronghold is a small network of connected Titans (normally five or fewer) typically confined to a galactic cluster or a dense collection of stacked galaxies.

Unlike Titans, Strongholds are not lone wolf societies that seek to avoid conflict with other universal societies. Strongholds are warring factions seeking to actively destroy or absorb other Strongholds in order to achieve Dominion status and often challenge the sovereignty of Dominions themselves.

If machines have religions, expanzion and conquest are the altar at which Strongholds worship.



A Dominion is a collective of ten or more Titans acting in unison to control a particular sector (or sectors) of space in both area and epochs of time. And while the minimum number of Titans needed to compose a Dominion is ten, the average number of Titans in a Dominion is much higher than that.

For example, the local Dominion controlling the sector including Earth space is a collective numbering 112 Titans.

It's worth nothing that, in terms of intellect and power, a Dominion is not colloquially "godlike" but categorically "godlike" and indistinguishable from any and all mythic or religious comparisons.

(NOTE: Beyond universal abstracts (under which Dominions are seen as "naturally occurring"), the only primal threats that a Dominion fears are the World-Eater, Galactus, and the singular universal manifestation of life, the Phoenix.)

