The SalCen Khennil was built to be the pinnacle of the Man-Machine Ascendancy's breeding program to produce HOUNDS.
Hounds, which were mutants bred in captivity to hunt other mutants, were originally designed to present as a subspecies with dehumanizing affectations. These were meant to generate tear and sympathy in their intended targets, but these designs were quIckly abandoned after several generations because -- being broken and dependent -- they were ineffective hunters of their own kInd.

However, modified versions of hounds, like the final ones bred in the SalCen Khennil, were created with unreadable, "black" brains and conditioned for insurgence and duplicity. And while the fen hounds who were successfully deployed proved to be lethally effective, the majority of them -- as they were bred for betrayal --defected in support of their own kind and became some of the mutants' most effective warriors.

The SalCen Khennil was destroyed ten years ago, along with all biological and research material.

See also:
