THE THREE SEATS OF THE DAWN. These three seats plan for the three outcomes of any conflict. They are deferred to in time of WAR.

01 - THE SEAT OF VICTORY. When the battle is won, this seat plans the next. Because it is traditionally the seat most consulted, it is also called the Head of the Great Ring. Once, this was the seat of Genesis. Now ISCA THE UNBEATEN sits here.

02 - THE SEAT OF STALEMATE. Not all battles are won or lost. When there is no clear winner, this seat is consulted. IDYLL sits here.

03- THE SEAT OF LOSS. This seat is consulted in dark times of humiliation and pain, when the world has fallen. TARN THE UNCARING sits here.

See also:

THE THREE SEATS OF THE DAY. The seats of the world and of what can be seen and touched. They are deferred to in time of PEACE. They are deferred to now.

04 - THE SEAT OF ABOVE-US. Consulted on matters of the heavens. LACTUCA sits here.

05 - THE SEAT OF ALL-AROUND-US. The central seat is consulted on matters of the land, the people, the weather and the turn of the world. As a matter of unbreakable law, this seat has an additional casting vote -- thus, whoever claIms the responsibity of sitting here is known as regent or ARRAKO. STORM sits here.

06 - THE SEAT OF BELOW-US. Consulted on matters of the deep. SOBUNAR sits here.

THE THREE SEATS OF THE DUSK. These seats are consulted on what cannot be seen and cannot be touched. This table, though necessary in both war and peace, is NEVER DEFERRED TO.

07 - THE SEAT OF LAW. Consulted on all legal matters. THE THREE LAWS OF ARRAKO are few and do not change easy. But when they do, this seat is the final arbiter. ORA SERRATA sits here.

08 - THE SEAT OF HISTORY. Consulted on matters of lore. This seat records -- and decides -- the history of Arrako. XILO WHO-WAS-STULGID sits here.

09 - THE SEAT OF DREAMS. Consulted on matters of art, poetry and song. Few challenge for this seat, but those who do are the most dangerous -- for they never yield. LODUS LOGOS sits here.


00 - THE VOICE OF ARAKKO. Arakko itself -- the island that fights like a man -- is always present. However, in the ongoing absence of REDROOT, direct consultation is difficult. Arakko has little to say on this or on any other thing. But Arakko is listening. Always.




There is only one measure of worth on Arakko - power. To that end. the Great Ring of Arakko ls made up of not just the most intelligent and cunning of mutants, but also the most powerful.

No mutant has ever sat on the great Ring who was not an OMEGA LEVEL mutant. Not once. It has never happened - - it never will.

(NOTE: While the Great Ring only has nine recognized seats, there has always been rumor of three more seats apart from the Ring itself. These 'Night' seats, both in makeup and purpose remain a mystery.)

