A candyland, a neon playroom, a lusty pleasure zone. A source of many interesting and vitally important magical herbs, the Romana are master herbalists and gardeners. However, like most hedonists, they enjoy the unpredictable, and travelers often find themselves dancing into exhaustion or gazing too deeply into the abyss.

It is for this reason that the Floating Kingdom is not open to any passer-by. The doorway inside is guarded and locked, and quite upside-down. Any attempt to sneak in would find a traveler without anywhere to stand. It is said that at the heart of the kingdom stands a single supermassive obelisk that -- at night -- shines like the sun, and during the day is as black as night. If you stare long enough, you can see the stars and constellations of some other heaven that is not of this realm.

Roma rules less as a governing body and more as simply the favored of her people. They adore her and trust her to protect them from the advances of their rival kingdom and her father, Merlin.
