This troubled nation has stabilized in recent years under the rule of President Manuel Cocom, who ran on a platform of reform. The nation's GDP had previously been fueled largely by agriculture and petroleum. But the lagging economy-the fourth smallest in South America-demanded change.

Following his election, Cocom made good on his promise to look to the future instead of to the past for inspiration and focused all the nation's resources into organic technology. Tax incentives and grants and subsidies were specifically funneled into the field of telefloronics.

Telefloronics is derived from same principles of nanotechnology, only its focus is organic. Programming takes place on a cellular level. If a host body achieves microbial or fungal symbiosis, it can potentially clear the plaque from its arteries, repair synaptic pathways, heal wounds and attack cancers.

See also:

The technology is a closely guarded state secret that Cocom views as equivalent to atomic research. This phrasing has made the UN particularly anxious, because it implies not just a medical breakthrough, but also the potential of weaponization.
Not much is known about their advancement, but most of their initial investors-who helped shore up the Terra Verdean economy-have pulled out, citing a lack of progress.
