Weight: 1,724 grams
Blade Length: 68 cm.
Material: Unidentified ferrous alloy
Place of Origin: Unknown; however, presumed to be from Galador.
Maker: Unknown.
Secret History: According to the records of the late Dr. James Braddock, the Sword of Might was said by Roma to be "forged in the fires of creation" and "tempered by the power of the universe." The sword has acted as part of the test to find the new Captain Britain for centuries. Traditionally, candidates are provided the option of the Amulet of Right or the Sword of Might -- those who take the sword are said to fail the test. Brian Braddock, known for his honor and wisdom, famously chose the amulet.
Previous Holders of the Sword: Brian Braddock, Kelsey Leigh, Albion.
Recent History: Following his return from captivity in the castle of Morgan Le Fay, Brian Braddock was approached in a dream by Merlyn and Roma. He was prompted to choose between the amulet and the sword, as he had before, but this time he found himself morally weakened by his time in Le Fay's grasp and chose the Sword of Might. He awoke holding the blade.
The Sword of Might, upon Brian's drawing it, imbued him with the powers within, which he rejected, asking Excalibur to bury the sword at the Braddock Lighthouse, deep within the English soil.