Weight: Negligible (To user)
Blade Length: Variable (Adaptive)
Material: Manifested Life Force
Place of Origin: Limbo
Maker: Illvana Nikolievna Rasputin
Attributes: Magical focus. Spell casting. Spell breaking.
Disruption of ethereal obiects and creatures. Artifact of regency. Teleportation. Eldritch gateway. Transformation. Summoning (sword +armor). Healing/regeneration. Warded against breaking. Incantation of honing.
(See expanded Xavier files:Soulsword armor for further observations/uses/adaptations of both the Soul Sword and it's adapted form by user)
The Forging: The Soul Sword was created by Illyana Rasputin when trapped in the realm of Limbo by the hellduke, Belasco.
The sword was forged from the energy of her own life force, and the blade is the manifestation of its creator, adapting over time, growing as she did, becoming something sharper and more deadly.
[See expanded Xavier_files: Limbo for a child's history of hell]
Addendum: Over the years, several people have wielded the Soul Sword. It's power, potency, and sovereignty of station have transferred with the weapon, but only in the rightful hands of its creator are the sword's full powers unlocked.