Reminder: A Kaiju is defined as any aggressive ultra-fauna the size of a ten-story building up to that of a skyscraper. For any ultra-fauna smaller than that, see "GIANTS" protocols. For any ultra-fauna larger than that, see "CELESTIALS" protocols.

You have my sympathies. At the most conservative estimate, any Kaiju­classified beast has huge potential for harm, and swift neutralization is the preferred tactic (see: the X-Mech). However, for many reasons -- not least ethical (see: "Misunderstood Kaiju") -- this may not be possible. Instead, here we look to avoid harm, both to areas/peoples of strategic importance in the area and the Kaiju itself.

  1. Luring. This can be performed by any individual, but a power set of flight is a sound basis. See appendix "ANGELS" for a list of Krakoan citizens with applicable gifts. Those who die in this tactic should be prioritized in the queue.
  2. Removal. Dimensional transportation of a Kaiju can prove difficult. Even aside from its sheer mass, it is often defended by other mechanisms (see footnotes). Equally, it is mainly better to keep the Kaiju in the locale rather than remove it entirely. Remember: Yes, it is near us, but we are also near it. It should be afraid of us. Sadly, most Kaiju have too limited intelligence to realize this.
  3. Thirdly, experiment with barrier generation. See appendix "ICEMEN" for a list of Krakoan citizens with such gifts. Mutants with these capacities can be rotated to delay the Kaiju until a more permanent solution is found.

