Snarkwar is the colloquial term for a **Zn'rx War of Succession**.

Xenobiology has yet to tell us exactly how the children of a Zn'rx regent know instantly that the regent has died. However, the immediate reaction is always a violent urge on the part of the fallen regent's heirs to claim the vacant alpha position by any means necessary, heedless of any collateral damage caused. Though the urge can be resisted or satisfied through single combat, recent attempts at modernizing the succession process were derailed by the Hyinar Usurpation and the resultant rise to power of the traditionalist Stote, who undid many of the Bhadsha era's reforms during his brief time on the throne.

HEIRS OF EMPEROR STOTE (ranked by odds of succession)
Kuga of Bhoa Clan 25/1 Eldest of the current heirs. Radical modernist. Currently in retreat after a catastrophic defeat in the Ortuua System.
Wezel of Chita Clan 14/1 Traditionalist. Currently besieged at the edge of Utopian Kree space. Attempting negotiation with the Supremor for safe passage.
Khondor & Lyga of Gylar Clan 4/1 Youngest of current heirs. Moderate reformists. Currently in an agreed alliance until only they remain, whereupon the war will shift to a process of single combat.
Djagyar of Bhoa Clan 3/2 Radical traditionalist. Eschews a fixed power base in favor of a guerrilla fleet. Current favorite to succeed Stote on the Zn'rx throne.
