Rolling Action Item

Wolverine requested a so-called vampire algorithm.

The program accounts or hospital admissions, police scanners, person cases, missing-pet cases, livestock anomalies, blood bank supplies, and autopsy reports as primary variables.


Detroit, MI. The Brightmoor section of the city -- including residential and commercial properties -- has suffered foreclosure and abandonment. Vampire blight took advantage of the vacancy.

Wolverine's report: "Killed them good and dead."

Minneapolis, MN. Minneapolis was once the flour-milling capital of the world. The empty granaries banking the Mississippi River have been inhabited and now serve as giant roosts.

Wolverine's report: "Killed them too."

Chicago, IL. At the railyards, hundreds of train cars rust on abandoned tracks and serve as coffins.

Wolverine's report: "Hacked off their heads and threw them in a pile and burned them and pissed on the fire to extinguish it."

Buffalo, NY. An abandoned church was hosting rave parties that swiftly decimated a portion of the population (ages 17-25).

Wolverine's report: "One #%&@ got away. Put down the rest. Then I got some wings."

Surveillance: Ongoing.
