Mister Sinister has an extensive repository of mutant genetic material that he has carefully assembled in recent years. In it, he has the DNA of almost every known mutant on the planet Earth (carefully constructed with the help of Xavier). These are the biological building blocks of each specific mutant -- their physical makeup along with what their power is. Without this, we have nothing.
(NOTE: This library, which began as solely biological samples, has now been converted to holographic sequencing. And while all current mutant modifications have been limited to "optimal aging," it is believed that in the future, designer modifications will be possible.)
In the process of mutant resurrection, the genetic base is introduced into organic matter and a mutant husk is created. And while this is not the essence of who or what any mutant is, it is the essential component that makes mutant resurrection possible (as traditional cloning procedures capable of creating a replicant shell grow in real time, any product of temporal growth is susceptible to change agents/variations).
The process of the mutant resurrection
A group of five mutants work in conjunction to produce a biological husk.
They are:
- Fabio Medina, Goldballs: A mutant capable of producing a limitless amount of unviable biological eggs
- Kevin MacTaggert, Proteus: A mutant capable of warping reality and transforming an unviable egg into a viable one.
- Joshua Foley, Elixir: A mutant capable of biologically kick-starting the process of life initializing cell replication and husk growth
- Eva Bell, Tempus: A mutant capable of temporally maturing a husk to a desired age.
- Hope Summers: A mutant capable of enhancing and synergizing the other resurrection mutants' powers to ensure the success of each resurrection
Initially, the resurrection capabilities on Krakoa topped out at around 1,000 mutants a week, or around 200 a day. The current estimated mutant population on Earth is around 100,000 (and growing), the depowered population of mutants on Earth is just under 1 million and the deceased population of mutants on Earth is over 16 million (primarily from Genosha).
At that rate of resurrection, it would take around 300 years to bring back everyone who died (let alone how to address the depowered mutants and any that might die in the interim time period). However, as the resurrection machine has become more unified (and better at being what they are and doing what they do), it's estimated that capabilities could possibly reach around 30,000 a week and full Genoshan resurrection be achieved in ten years (the complication here is that Xavier would have to download/resurrect 6,000 minds a day, which he is not capable of -- by that time there will need to be a work-around or a team of telepaths trained to properly use Cerebra.)
(NOTE: Extensive testing has shown that the mutant resurrection machine -- the FIVE -- is not operating under duress or fatigue or even massive exertion. It appears that the more they do this, the stronger they become and the easier the process becomes. The experience has been described by all five as incredibly blissful (not in a narcotized kind of way, but in a manner more akin to total fulfillment)).
Additionally, these five mutants appear to have become an inseparable family unit and are almost never apart from one another -- their symbiotic process appears to have extended beyond the union of their powers and to the mutants themselves. Some of this could be psychological, as on Krakoa they are universally revered -- not as celebrities (something achievable through works) but as cultural paragons (something sacred to be treasured).
Currently, mutant resurrection takes around 48 hours. (A twelve-hour gestational period for the DNA samples to take in an EGG, and 30-42 hours to mature the EGG to its desired maturation.)
However, because of fears regarding duplication (and other general questions of morality), unless an actual death has been documented, someone believed to be dead cannot be resurrected until their death has been confirmed or they have been undetectable by Cerebra for one month.
(NOTE: It is expected that, sooner rather than later, a mutant organization will be tasked with investigating mutant missing persons and suspected deaths and murders, so as to confirm when the resurrection process should begin.)
(NOTE: It is also expected that should FORCE conventions become necessary, their extra-special mandate would supersede normal resurrection protocols.)
(NOTE: While it has not yet been tested, it's believed that upgrades/extensions/stand-ins could be assisted by mutants such as Synch or Mimic.)
(NOTE: The Proteus problem (where the powers of this mutant are directly associated with the destruction of its own body and are the direct cause of all physiological and psychological deviance over the years) has been solved by always having a backup mutant husk prepared for Proteus to inhabit when he burns out his old one. Depending on the frequency with which he is using his power, a Proteus body normally lasts one week but can last as little as one day during periods of excessive power use. Proteus' backup mutant husk is always created from the genetic base of Charles Xavier.)
A backup of every mutant mind on the planet exists. Once a week, Charles Xavier copies the "latest version" of every mutant mind to multiple redundant "cradles" located in several locations across the world. These backups are the essence of each mutant. How they think, how they feel, their memories -- their very being. When a mutant husk is ready, Charles Xavier injects this backup of WHO THEY ARE into their HUSK, and that mutant is reborn.
(NOTE: There has been no experimentation regarding what happens when you combine a mutant MIND with a HUSK that is not their own.)