Students and devotees to Saturnyne, the priestesses are organized in two castes -- those of the White, who have chosen to live within the walls of THE STARLIGHT CITADEL and the surrounding province, and those of the Green, who have taken their training and knowledge to the lands outside of the Citadel and chosen to enact Saturnyne's intent rather than her direct will. By living alongside the wild thickets that act as buffers between the province of Avalon (or other provinces) and the province of Saturnyne, they are known to act as healers, hunters and keepers of the land.
Priestesses of the White only leave their lady's tower by donning their crescent diadems and taking a nearly faceless form, obscuring their own identity so that they may act in anonymous accordance with Lady Saturnyne's will.
Priestesses of the Green follow Saturnyne's teaching and intent, believing balance to be a nuanced thing that cannot be corrected by distant declaration and requiring attention, action and presence.
Despite their differences, the Green are not viewed as heretical; rather, Majestrix allows them, viewing them as a necessary opposition to her own actions, as all things must have opposition.
Occasionally the White and the Green come into contention when orders given to priestesses for the White (ex: "stop Captain Britain and her cohorts," "slay that dragon," etc.) find themselves in conflict with the Green's more moderate views, who tend to follow a less draconic code of ethics, such as "if you find a wounded dragon in the woods, nurse it back to health," or "if a woman is causing explosions in the forest, imprison her until she calms down a bit."
Typically the Green will fight their enemies, as they say, "only till their sides stitch," meaning until weariness from battle calms the temper and brings about necessary parlay.