Previously known as the home of the Telmenetes, Mercator has been recently renamed.

The Telmenetes never gave their province a name despite their time there, as they had hoped to only visit. Refugees fleeing a reality that could no longer support their highly evolved existence, they came to Saturnyne, petitioning the citadel directly for a home in the Otherworld. Moved by their ambition to survive and the evolved and awe-inspiring story of their species, Saturnyne graciously gave them their own province.

As beings of what is mostly perceived as light, the Telmenetes' unique physiology required them to form and shape their environment to best suit their needs. As a result, much of the Telmenetes' province was unable to be visited by many. However, the Telmenetes are very kind and intelligent, and were often willing and able to act as guides for visitors through their home.

However, the presence of Telmenetes guides at the borders began to diminish rapidly following something THE STARLIGHT CITADEL official statements described as a "loud inverted pop" in the OTHERWORLD itself. Watchtowers from all nearby provinces and the citadel itself report seeing a flickering darkness slowly but surely overcome the Telmenetes territory, as if the lights were being snuffed out one by one.

Today, there are no Telmenetes guards at the borders and their leadership is silent. New leadership claims dominion over the province and has only sent shadowy vassals who share the new kingdom's name -- Mercator.

He promises he is keeping it safe.

But the king would like it closed to the public until he feels it is ready.
