Where it is a magickal certainty, posited in the texts of nearly every occult paradigm that:
as above | so below
The energetic surge delivered by the opening of the KRAKOAN GATES and the rise of mutantkind creates an inverse, a magical mirror, wherein:
so below | as above
With the creation of the new paradigm comes the opposing line, which when placed at right angles form the X of creation:
The power created by the paradigm shift can be harnessed only by those who have a familiarity with power and a generative link to the X, symbol of highest creation. Homo Superior.
The X has no above, no below.
The X is the generative force of higher creation, a duality of the simple dimensions of mortal delineations of above and below.
The magic circle has been abolished as a weakness requiring the hands of many magi and points on a line.