Otherdimensional predator species - Genus unknown.
Once an elevated species hailing from Mojoverse, recent research suggests a decline in the supernatural faculties of these hybrids. A cross between humanoid and lupine, attempts were made by Homo sapiens to socialize and appeal to their more humanoid nature during the beasts' tenure in the London Zoo.
These amateur and somewhat mocking socialization attempts succeeded in a marked regression among the warwolves, appearing to diminish their faculties for shapeshifting, speech, and other signs of higher intelligence to incidental and reactionary at best.
Like most species, they become more violent, animalistic, and harmful under the guidance of Homo sapiens, losing the abilities that once made them unique.
The otherdimensional nature of their flesh is a potentially powerful conduit. (see: EX MAG/CA: ALMANAC fig 1.)
Numbers: 5 {in captivity)