"From Lineage: An Examination of Traditional British Coven Structure by Katherine Bushwick, (copyright Dry Biscuit Publishing). Page 368.
…Certain rogue covens are still literal believers in Murray's largely disproved "witch cult" hypothesis, which states that modern British covens are holdouts of pre-Roman druidic god and hero worship. In order to protect the highly guarded spiritual mysteries, formal ritual secrets are reserved for hidden initiations and careful lineages, so that all who know a mystery are named and known to the others and those they are taught by are named too. As such, many Covens maintain anonymous membership save for the high priest and priestess, who choose to make themselves known.
Despite this, certain Covens develop fringe and radical beliefs even within the lineage structure, and prodigious young practitioners can find themselves rapidly rising within the initiate degrees and in charge of their own covens before long, where the standard rules are often quickly abandoned.
Some Covens maintain the claim of the "witch cult" hypothesis, such as in the case of Coven Akkaba. The Coven has two leaders, like most British Covens, a High Priestess' and High Priest', though they claim several degrees of ranking and hidden knowledge past the traditional three and more than a few uncompromising, rather heretical beliefs.
Namely, while most Covens keep the name of their patron goddess a mystery, Coven Akkaba openly worships the mythological Morgan Le Fay and claims direct and physical contact with her. High Priestess Marianna Stern openly decries the typical practice of "embodying the goddess," saying instead "Our goddess has a body. Why in the hell would we waste our time with a goddess who couldn't even manifest that?!
- Sublime High Priestess of the Ninth Degree Marianna Stern (Initiated by Queen Lady Rosamund & Coven Scandia.)
- Sublime High Priest of the Ninth Degree Reuben Brousseau (Initiated by Lady Brigid & Derfel of Coven Modred.)