Mutant builder Forge keeps his thoughts pretty close to the vest. He has networked computers that survive the daily E.M.P. bursts on the island, but all his most important work gets written down in journals. Not in English or KRAKOAN, but a hybrid code derived from the spoken and endangered Cheyenne language. It's where his best ... and most dangerous ideas reside. Forge is therefore the only one who can comprehend his notes.

He spent enough of his life on ideas that destroy, and he's quite fond of the new era of Krakoan expansion and creation. There are journals filled with ideas about building Krakoa up, notes on how to navigate BLIGHTSPOKE and noodling on the CHILDREN OF THE VAULT. One of the latest marvels to make it from the page to reality was one idea about communication.

The E.A.R. or Earth-ARRAKO-Relay began as a simple diagram of our solar system in his notebook, but the communication system was just deployed with the help of the X-Men. Ten satellites were launched into space with the purpose of connecting mutants on Arakko with mutants on Earth. The broadband speed in Port Genosha is as good as anything the humans have on Earth.

The tricky part was solving for when the sun is between the planets, but that's why he needed so many satellites. Several are dormant depending on the orbits of the sister planets. Beast was none too happy to discover they were deployed before he knew about their existence.

The satellites are well-protected and carry a robust self-destruct system which might seem like overkill for a web of communication satellites, but as with most of Forge's creations, there was a big secret too.

Mutant communication is fundamentally telepathic, and each of the satellites carries a bank of mutant telepathic brains. Forge reckoned correctly that he did not need entire brains, but rather just multiples of telepathic left hemispheres that governed speech and language from a single volunteer. The Five were put off at the request, but Xavier nodded, said he was the donor tissue, and E.A.R. was born.

Marvel Girl described communicating telepathically between Earth and Krakoa like "speaking through a long tube." This irked Forge, as it sounded to him like an imperfection in another one of his fantastic creations. He's noodling on how best to address the criticism.

The existence of the satellites is common knowledge on both worlds, but their telepathic nature is known only to Forge, Krakoa's telepaths, the THE QUIET COUNCIL OF KRAKOA and the X-Men.

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