The Captain Britain Corps was an interversal team of defenders protecting Great Britain, the OTHERWORLD and all reality from threats, interior and exterior.
As the British Isles are the place where the Otherworld touches Earth, the representative and defender of that land and, indeed, that diplomatic alliance, has long been called Captain Britain.* First assembled by the wizard Merlyn, most of these individuals were simply their reality's version of Brian Braddock, son of Sir James Braddock, great ally of the Otherworld.
As with every Captain Britain legend, the story is the same -- Merlyn appears, offering a choice to the anointed -- the Amulet of Right, or the Sword of Might.
A choice of the amulet is said to show purity of heart and strength of reason, the qualities needed to defend the Otherworld. A choice of the Sword of Might is seen as a failed test, as it belies a soul tainted with anger.
In realities where Brian Braddock was unfit or otherwise indisposed, the choice has been offered to others, with varying degrees of success.
The Captain Britain Corps have been at different times guided by the likes of the wizard Merlyn, his daughter Roma or Lady Saturnyne herself. What is eternally unchanging is what they protect and defend -- the endless doorways to the Omniverse housed inside the Starlight Citadel.
The Corps was known to gather at the citadel for two occasions -- justice or defense. When one of the Captain Britain Corps wronged their brothers or sisters, they would be brought before their peers and judged with the reason and compassion that the Corps embodies and penalized as their peers saw fit.
It was at defense that the Corps finally failed, making their last stand in the great incursions that destroyed nearly all of their home realities. To save Brian Braddock, the Lady Opal Luna Saturnyne cast him out of the citadel and back into his home reality. The Ivory Kings rode hard, shattering the Corps' strong formation and leaving much of reality undefended.
As a result, Saturnyne closed the Citadel to anyone but herself and her priestesses, who now defend the Starlight Citadel in place of the defunct Captain Britain Corps.
- Captain Britain is the standard title in our reality, but cultural shifts along various timelines have resulted in various sobriquets, such as Captain UK, Hauptmann Englande, or Captain Albion.