There are four groups of blood (A, B, AB, 0) and each of these can be either RhD positive or RhD negative, making for a total of eight types.

But further classification is based on antibodies and antigens (such as carbohydrates and proteins), making for a known total of 36 systems and 346 antigens.

And then the math is further complicated by Wolverine.

Not all blood is alike, but that is especially true of what runs beneath his skin.

It is not merely resistant, but altogether impervious to infection, malignancy, autoimmune disorders. It is infinitely compatible with all other blood families and has been shown to have a brief, curative effect when transfused.

In this way, it bears some resemblance to blood infected (or cursed, some say) by the bite of a vampire. This is his closest cousin.

See also:

With few exceptions.

  1. His body is not just the factory for his blood, it is the vault -- and once it leaves him, it s powers are soon suppressed and its compatibility deteriorates. Whereas a vampire's blood is malignant, virulent.
  2. His blood does not deteriorate when exposed to ultraviolet light.

You could say their blood belongs to the same group, but a different type. One positive, the other negative.
Instead of A or B or AB or 0, one might call it E -- the endless.

