When held captive in South Korea, Domino was heavily sedated, compromising her memory of the experience.
Her mind recalls an indeterminate mess of sensations. Bright lights burning her vision. A cold steel table grinding into her spine. The lick of scalpels on her skin. The hot flood of blood. Tanks bubbling. Flesh cauterizing. Voices whispering.
But one element remains concrete and constant: the Man with the Peacock Tattoo.
Her vision of him has been telepathically confirmed by Jean, who mind-scanned one of the dying assassins and conjured his visage.
They know little beyond his cream suit and the design inked into the back of his hand. He wore a mask, which I suspect to be made of labradorite.
Labradorite occurs in Newfoundland, Finland, Genosha and Russia. It is said to be a stone with a magic connection to transformation and protection.
He appears to be the head of a shadow organization united against mutantkind. The flesh factory in which Domino was housed -- and the experiments she endured -- indicates an attempt to cheat evolution and create Super-Soldier competition.
Which is the same threatening calculus of ORCHIS PROTOCOL.