The explosion of the Warroad Nuclear Waste Site resulted in a radioactive spike along the Washington coast. What followed was a sudden, violent evolutionary shift in the marine life. The cause was man's folly.
The same can be said of the Man-Thing serum. At the Weapon Plus facility, the scientists -- namely one Dr. Bloodroot -- tampered with nature and created a violent, evolutionary shift in floronic life.
The infected are dangerous, especially for their networking ability. One man- plant can seed another and another and another, all of them rooted to the same controlling consciousness.
There are more microbes in a teaspoon of dirt than there are people on Earth. The floronic network -- of roots and mycorrhiza and spores -- is in the air we breathe and the ground beneath our feet. It is ... inescapable.
We should take care in our defenses, of course, but also consider militarizing our own Krakoan strains.
Note: Black Tom Cassidy seems an ideal candidate for beta experimentation.