A land of tranquil beauty and fairy forests, Avalon has long stood as a haven for honor, magic and the pursuit of knightly virtue.
Long under the personal protection of the wizard Merlyn, the seat of power at Camelot has been largely held by the great King Arthur Pendragon and his knights. From the fairy isle of Tir na nOg to the noble Green Chapel, Avalon is lush and ripe with history and culture. Magic is in the very fabric of Avalon, and the realm is home to many powerful magi and practitioners, and as such, its people have long lived in peace, safety and comfort.
However, Avalon is spiritually and subconsciously tied to the land itself in Earth's own Britain. When Britain thrives, Avalon thrives, and when Avalon is in peril, Britain itself can feel the heat of the flames.
In recent history, the witch Morgan Le Fay laid claim to the throne and swore that the King's absence was of his own doing. But no sooner had she claimed the throne than she made war against the Lady Opal Luna Saturnyne and the THE STARLIGHT CITADEL.
After a battle lit by dragonfire that threatened the threads of reality, Morgan Le Fay was defeated by the hero Captain Britain and her knights. The mutant sorcerer Apocalypse challenged her to a trial of champions, and with Morgan's defeat, the throne was ceded to King Jamie Braddock, brother to Captain Britain.
Today Avalon sits peaceably under the Monarch's rule.
The dark cloud of Morgan Le Fay's reign has lifted, but the Pendragon family has not returned. Avalon remains safely in mutant hands, tied both now to the land of Britain and the land of KRAKOA.