An ACT; Protecting and Dividing the United Kingdom and OTHERWORLD

It is hereby ordered in protection and preservation of the realm that all occurrences regarding matters not being sourced from obvious Earthly or Celestial causes, with answers not found in the firmament or heavens, and deriving from lineage including but not limited to the Matter of Britain, shall be officially deemed Otherworldly.

The Crown recognizes the Otherworld as an extraplanar realm, separate from but alongside the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, with separate governance, rights and laws distinct from our own.

Matters regarding the realm of Otherworld shall be under the representation and protection of heritor and titleholder Captain Britain.

See also:

In these matters alone, Captain Britain is the Crown's highest authority.

In all other matters Earthly and Celestial, Captain Britain remains an honored servant to the Crown and shall be called on as a citizen to protect Crown and Country.

The Captain may be called upon to serve as the Crown's representative against Otherworld.

In such matters, their defense of the realm is expected to be as a shield before the throne.

See also:
